If You Knew Suzy   (Jopat 803)   Tom Roper

OPENER - CLOSER    Basic, R-H lady progression

Walk around your cornersee saw your own
Join up handscircle left around in time
4 boys star right, one time tonight
Do an 
allemande left and weave the ring
Gonna wind 'em in and out till you meet her and then
Swing that girl promenade and sing
If you knew Suzy like I know Suzy
Oh, oh what a gal
FIGURE (twice for heads, twice for sides)    Mainstream, corner progression

Head couples square thru four hands around you do
4 hands around, 
dosado her one time
Swing thru tonight, boys run right
Ladies tradecouples circulate one time around
Bend the linepass the oceanspin the top and then
Girls turn aroundpromenade and sing
If you knew Suzy like I know Suzy
Oh, oh what a gal
MIDDLE BREAK    Mainstream

Sides face, grand square
If you knew Suzy like I know Suzy
Oh, oh, oh what a gal
There's none so classy as this fair lassy
Oh, oh my goodness what a chassis

4 ladies promenade inside the ring
Swing your man, promenade and sing
If you knew Suzy like I know Suzy
Oh, oh what a gal

I said now oh, oh what a gal