Four In The Morning
(Jopat 402
Joe Porritt
Circle left
It's 4 in the morning & once more the dawning
Left allemande, you men star by the left hand
Go once around and then, turn thru
Allemande left and weave the ring
Well, I don't deserve her
God knows that I love her
Dosado and promenade
It's 4 in the morning & once more the dawning
Just woke up the wanting in me
Head (side) 2 couples square thru 4 hands around
With the sides make a right hand star
Heads star left in the center full turn
Around to the outside two, let's do the right & left thru
Swing thru once, swing thru again
Swing that lady, promenade
It's 4 in the morning & once more the dawning
Just woke up the wanting in me
Just woke up the wanting in me