That Old Wheel   (Jopat 232)   Joe Porritt


Circle left
That old wheel is gonna roll around once more
When it does it will even up the score

Left allemandedosado around your own
Men star left inside the ring
once around at home, turn thru
Left allemandeswing your girl and promenade
The price is high but don't you give in
That old wheel will roll around again
FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Heads (sides) star thrupass thrudosado
Full around, 
make a wave and ladies trade
Recycleveer to the left & ferris wheel
In the middle you do the 
right & left thru
Centers pass thrutouch 1/4scoot back
Swing your corner lady, promenade her home
There'll be times you'll feel you can't win
But that old wheel will roll around again

Roll again ... and again