Oh You Beautiful Doll   (ESP 715 )   Craig Rowe


Circle left
Oh, you beautiful doll, you great big beautiful doll
Men star right go rollin' round the ring
Left allemande you're gonna weave the ring
Oh you beautiful doll, swing and promenade
I'd love to hug you but I fear that you'd break
Oh, you beautiful doll


Heads square thru travel four hands around
Meet the sides and a right and left thru
Veer left, the girls hinge, diamond circulate
Flip the diamond now all the girls trade
Explode and square thru three hands around
Swing the corner girl and promenade
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, you beautiful doll


Sides face, grand square
Oh, you beautiful doll, you great big beautiful doll
Let me put my arms around you I don't wanna live without you

Four ladies promenade roll it along
Swing that boy and promenade
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, you beautiful doll